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What Every Girl Needs To Know Before Their First Year Of College

It's true - college is filled with great memories and lots of naps. After I completed my first year at Oklahoma State, I wrote down these top 10 things I believe every girl needs to know before they experience the college life. Now that I have graduated, I still find them to be true.

1) If a guy calls you at 2 AM to "hangout"..he is not boyfriend material. I don't care how good looking that guy may be, if he just calls you at 2 AM to go hangout..STAY AWAY!! Chances are, you are one of many girls he is trying to "hangout" with. No man of God would only contact you late at night to just "hangout". If he really wanted to hangout, you would of heard from him at normal hours of the day. And trust me, once you say "no" to hanging out late, they'll try to guilt trip you and try to convince you to hangout.. DO NOT FALL FOR IT! 2) Don't Ever Fall for the "everyone's doing it". This is the biggest lie people will tell you in college. Any time someone is trying to convince you to do something, they will pull this card. I can promise you, "not everyone's doing it". Yes, you may feel like you're the only one and the outcast, but don't let that feeling make you do something you'll end up regretting. 3) Go to Church. It doesn't matter if you have to attend church by yourself, go to church. Throughout college you will feel alone, sad, confused, and stressed..and the only thing you can find comfort in is in God. Now is the time to strengthen your relationship with Him and follow His plan. 4) Workout. Working out is one of the best ways to deal with stress. It doesn't matter if you prefer to lift weights, run, or attend a workout class., it's a must!! Don't let the fratty guys with the "suns out, guns out" tanks scare you away from the gym. Plus the majority of the time they're so focused on taking a picture of themselves they don't even notice you. 5) First Dates. This isn't high school anymore. You are not going to have your mom peeking out the window as the guy rings your doorbell and knocks on your door. Just because your moms not there to get a first impression of the guy, doesn't mean you shouldn't check it out. How much effort the guy shows on the first date reveals all you need to know. If the guy shows up wearing clothes he pulled out of his dirty laundry pile, hair outta control, and shows no effort in the little things...RUN. He is supposed to be trying to impress you and put out effort on the first date, and if that's all hes got..then you need to run. I mean run fast. 6) Keep your Morals and Standards High. I am so sick and tired of hearing how even though you are a "nice girl" growing up, once you get to college, it'll be a whole new ball game. LISTEN TO ME: THIS IS NOT TRUE. If you honestly know your morals and standards, you'll have no problem staying that "nice girl" in college. Will it be tough? Absolutely. Will you feel like the minority? Absolutely. Should you change to fit in? Absolutely not. 7) Meet Great People. It's true- you will meet some of your bestfriends in college. However, many people will enter and leave your life as well. Don't regret the friendships and time spent together with the people that disappeared from your life - just learn from them. Once you step back and look, it's better you are no longer associated with them. God knows who deserves to stay in your life. Do not chase after anyone. 8) Talk to Your Parents. Some may argue, "I'm not close to my parents, so why should I keep in contact with them?"..but it doesn't matter. No matter how close you are or aren't to your family, it is important to stay in contact with them. Throughout college, you'll experience new situations, unfamiliar stresses, and feel confused.. and its times like these you'll just need to hear your mom say "you'll be okay" (especially if you've just bombed a test you've been studying so hard for - trust me). 9) You Don't Have to Go Out. So many college kids have this idea that they have to "go out" every weekend. This is NOT true. Sometimes you need to just throw on an oversized t-shirt, snuggle up in blankets, and watch Netflix. Don't feel pressured or like a loser for staying in..because the majority of the time you are having much more fun relaxing than you'd be having putting up with loud, obnoxious drunk guys. 10) Study, then move on. This is by far the hardest thing for me to grasp. I'm a perfectionist and stress out about making good grades. It never fails, I make a grade I'm not satisfied with and I immediately flip out. I can't even begin to count how many times I've called my mom crying about a certain grade. As tough as college can be and how stressed out you can be, you must always study then move on. In the end, everything is going to be okay. Just move forward and keep working hard. Lastly, always remember: "Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire."

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