What My "Future Husband Journal" Is All About.

We have ALL done it. We have stayed up way past our bedtimes rereading Pinterest quotes and texts messages dreaming of "The One". We have talked astronomical amounts of hours to our friends about what we look for and how many fireworks are going to explode when we finally meet - okay, hopefully not that detailed, but you get the point. If you are like me, you have spent many nights praying for your "future husband". You may even be like me and tried to play it cool to God.. kinda like "I can't wait to meet him...when you think I'm ready..in your time, God".. but deep down you are like "tomorrow would be a great day - I mean come on God.. I've been so patient".
It wasn't until after many prayers, and even more bad dates, that it hit me. I pray every night for "The One"..but how will he ever know what I specifically prayed for every day? How will he ever know about the little struggles I am facing this exact moment? All of this led me to start a "Future Husband Journal".
Here is what I fill my "Future Husband Journal" with:

Okay, so you pray for him daily. What do you pray about? Do you keep it short and sweet like "God, I hope my "Future Husband" is being nice and staying away from uhhhhh not so nice girls"? Or do you REALLY pray for him? Do you pray about his day? His current struggles? His choices and relationship with God? I strongly believe your "Future Husband" deserves to know each and every prayer you have prayed for him. What an amazing feeling for him to be able to look back on June 20, 2016, and see you prayed he was staying away from temptations?
Scriptures and Sermons
You ever come across a scripture that completely changed your day? What about a sermon you heard that made you grow closer to God and act on your faith? Just because "The One" isn't currently in your life, doesn't mean he might not need this exact Bible verse or sermon notes in the future.

Daily Events
Remember when you used to find an old diary (mine was pink..shocker) and giggle while you reread each entry? That's kinda how my "Future Husband Journal" has become. Throughout my journal, I have wrote down funny stories, struggles, frustrations, awful dates, hurts, stresses, fears, and accomplishments. I can't wait to reread it with "The One" and giggle about my quirky (and what I thought was so important at the time) events in my life. How awesome that your "Future Husband" will be able to get a glimpse of your life before he met you!

Future Family
I am thrilled to have my own family one day. As I grow up, I have heard great ideas on raising a family, cute family traditions, and how to keep God the center of all your relationships. If you are like me, one minute you think it's the coolest thing ever and you are definitely doing that with your family one day - then five minutes later you already forgot. Because of that, I have also included these types of things in my "Future Husband Journal". I want to remember every sermon preached on God-centered families because one day, I know I will need that exact scripture or little reminder. I want my "Future Husband" to be able to look back and see my commitment on raising a God-centered family one day.

Compared to all the meaningful God-driven things I write in my "Future Husband Journal", the cute little quotes I add to the journal are definitely the least important. However, I love to jot down quotes that remind me of the type of guy I am looking for, quotes that help me stay true to my morals, quotes about raising a family, etc. Maybe it's my love for fairytale endings coming out - but I love to include adorable quotes in my journal.
I have been writing in my "Future Husband Journal" for about three years now and plan to do so up until a few days before my wedding (since I still need to learn to cook, I feel like that may be awhile ;) LOL!!). I not quite sure if I will give this journal to my "Future Husband" a month, week, or a couple days before he's stuck with me 4ever. Whatever I decide to do, I think it will be exciting to finally have him read it!!
"Somebody is praying for a WOMAN just like you..... start praying back."